Thursday, September 25, 2008

Brokenness post script

Imagine (ok, jessi, i know that's a stretch :)) my excitement when I discovered how concisely Beth Moore summarized what I tried to say in my comment on my last post about brokenness versus destruction, about Satan wanting to destroy and Christ wanting to use brokenness.

On page 53 of "Jesus the One and Only", Beth says EXACTLY what I was thinking about God's brokenness vs. Satan's brokenness. It is so important I'm going to quote it here:
"...heavy-duty oppression, which in essence is external oppression with the intent of breaking its object, is Satan's counterfeit for brokenness.
At times I've fought back the tears as I've heard testimonies of people who had been utterly unable to function, describing themselves as broken by God. I don't think God's brand of brokenness is total emotional wreckage. God's intent in breaking us is bending our stiff knees so that we will submit to Hs authority and take on His yoke. His aim is our abundant and effective life. Being totally unable to function because the mind and emotions are in shambles is Satan's counterfeit. Praise God, Christ can certainly use Satan's counterfeit brokenness to bring us to a place of accepting His own, but I think we credit some things to Christ that He didn't do."

That quote totally sums up my contemplation about the difference.


~~anna~~ said...

Great post! I've often wondered in the past when ladies shared about being broken, and it seemed like they were basketcases barely able to function, why God would do it like this. I would shudder and not really want to even listen. That probably sounds cold, but I think it was more of a fear of what they were sharing. ~~Hopefully, that makes sense.~~
Now with what you shared from Beth Moore, it is much clearer. WOW!
Brokenness from Christ is loving, NOT destructive!

Anonymous said...

all i can say is, "exactly!"

Arlene said...

Same book, different page..#204, what I was trying to say on the previous page!

"Being sifted like wheat is not your regular brand of temptation. It's an all-out onslaught by the enemy to destroy you and cause to to quit. It surfaces what you detest most in yourself and reveals the ugliness of self. Not everyone has or needs such an experience." Plus if you look above, it is ok'd by the hand of God.

I for one needed it.

Brokenness made me what I am today. I glory in the trial that hurt beyond words and made me want to quit.

But in the end, Christ won! Praise His exalted Name!
