Friday, August 29, 2008


I'm going to confess right up front that this is going to be an extremely shallow blog! :)

I LOVE shoes (& bags). I always have, even though I know very good and well what THE BOOK says about love and who we are supposed to love. So you all understand it's not THAT kind of love. It's a shallow love.

Which leads me to this bumper sticker on Nicole's Facebook that made me laugh:


Kati said...

I have noticed, (because I notice things like this) that you have matching shoes for many of your outfits. I was wondering if there wasn't a deep fondness for shoes going on here. :)

Charity said...

My sister would LOVE that bumper sticker, Margaret - she owns over 100 pairs of shoes!

Margaret said... you know my little obsession, kati, but i must say, i have NO WHERE near 100 pairs!

Nicole Marie said...

i like my bumper sticker...thank you very much!! oh and who knows maybe my flip flops will change my life!! :-)

~~anna~~ said...

LOVE the bumper sticker.
A couple of years when I had serious problems with my ankles I had to wear braces that looked sort of like snowmobile boots. UGLY! UGH! Have a pic of me with these huge things on (In the Dominican heat, no less!) 1 grey, 1 black. I am leaning over with my elbows on me knees and my face in my chin. My caption for the pic is "This is not part of my Cinderella dream!"
So now being able to finally wear 'pretty shoes' is so much more fun!

~~anna~~ said...

WOW! and I thought I proofread my msg before hitting send. I'm even more tired than I thought! :)
The corrections to my last posting are:
"a couple of years AGO"
"MY knees"
and "my chin in my hands"

time for sleep!