Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kids will be kids & Jezebel

This post is going to be completely off-the-cuff- not my usual well-thought-out and edited versions, so bear with me...

I was doing some reading in Revelation (2:18-29) this morning (that's what we are studying in church right now) and v. 24 stuck out to me: "But I say to you, the rest who are in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not known the deep things of Satan, as they call them- I place no other burden on you."

First of all, I assume "this teaching" would be the false teaching of the false prophetess, Jezebel, who lured some in the church to practice immorality and eating food sacrificed to idols.

The part that really caught my attention was "the deep things of Satan, as they call them". "As they call them" seems like John is mocking what the heretics thought they knew- their so-called secret knowledge. I wonder if Jezebel's goal was to convince people that they couldn't really learn the true nature of sin unless they experienced the deep pits of all things evil- a twisted version of saying only those who have really experienced sin can truly appreciate grace.

All of this to get to my thoughts about raising our children...

Have you ever heard the expression "kids will be kids" or "they just need to sow their wild oats" or "rumspringa"? (The last is the Amish tradition of allowing their young people to rebel and misbehave before baptism in the hope that they will get it out of their system.)

This theology is completely against everything God's Word teaches:
~IKi.11:1-13- "...You will not associate with them...for they will surely turn your heart away after their gods..."
~Ps.1:1- "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked..."
~Prov.1:10-19- "My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent..."
~Prov.4:14- "Do not enter the path of the wicked..."
~1Cor.5:9- "I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people..."
~1Cor.15:33- "Do not be deceived, bad company corrupts good morals."
and many, many more.

My brother-in-law, whom I greatly respect, told me one time that our children will ONLY live up to what we expect of them. If we expect our teenagers to act like the world's teenagers, then they probably will. If we expect our 2 year old to fit the "terrible twos", then they probably will. If we expect our adolescent daughters to be moody, then they probably will.

I believe God is calling us parents to set extremely high standards for our kids, while also showing them that we are sinners whom God is waiting to pour His grace on. We should not expect our kids to wallow in the flesh pots of Egypt, so that they can more readily experience grace. We cannot look around us and set our standards! We need to look to God's Word for our standards. It's so easy to say, "Well, at least our kids aren't as bad as ____________". We so readily accept substandards because we have a skewed idea of what's acceptable. That goes for us, too, as adults.

We must stay vigilant in our prayer life, praying hedges around our homes, our kids, our hearts...and let's pray for each other, too.


Nicole Marie said...

i love you

Kati said...

Amen! Amen!

It has always disturbed me that the Amish expect and even encourage their teenagers to rebel for a period of time. (I'm not saying ALL Amish do, but I've read of it being fairly common.) It also seems to me that many other Christians parents today accept rebellion as inevitable. I think this is absurd! It doesn't HAVE to be this way! You are absolutely right, Margaret--our kids will often do exactly what we EXPECT them to do, so our standards MUST come from God's Word, not society at large! (I'm preaching to myself here!)

Right on! Awesome post!

Jessi said...

I have to say, you've definately touched on something I feel very passionate about. I'm not being legalistic here, but I do make "rules" for MYSELF. God has clearly shown me what areas of sin I'm vulnerable for. I make a concious decision many times a day to "not go there" my desire is to live and raise my children according to God's word, and my first priority is Him. I have caught myself letting my boys do something I don't agree with because so-and-so does it (and their so little still). I just sooooo desire to focus my walk on Christ, and raise the boys as God would desire. (which is hard in this sinful world) I totally agree to what you've said about the rebelling...ahhhhh...I could go on and on with for fear of you falling asleep, and me sounding crazy, I'm going to stop. Thank you for posting, I enjoyed it !

Chris said...

Ditto what Nicole said.....

Charity said...

OK, Margaret, now that i finally realized you're on blogger . . . preach it, sister! Wonderful post.

danny2 said...

good point margaret,

i didn't say it yesterday, but gnosticism held to two views. 1) their sin was permissible by their "higher knowledge", 2) but also that their sin gave them higher knowledge as well.

since 1 John certainly seems to be combating gnosticism or pregnosticism...then it definitely seems like revelation would be dealing with this heresy.

it definitely has application to parenting!

Chris said...

Yikes!!! I forgot the most important "must have" for camping-
A PRIVATE clean bathroom, with soaker tub and flushing toilets!!!!!!!!!!!!