Despite the weather, this is one of my favorite times of the year. I think it's because my personality thrives on orderliness, checking off my task list and chaoslessness (is that a word?).
The holidays and birthdays are over until April (Brooke's birthday). My days are more organized and it's even possible to check EVERYTHING off of my list. My devotions are more intense, less hurried. The house stays in order because I have the time to clean a room or an area every day. I'm able to create menus ahead of time (versus throwing something together 30 minutes before it's time to eat).
All of this seems to notch my contentment up quite a bit. I love the coziness of being at home when it's cold outside and fulfilling my domestic tendencies. My days are permeated with the routine of keeping the home peaceful which in turn creates a harmonious atmosphere for Jerald and the kids.
I believe the older I get, the more I treasure this time. I know it won't last; spring will create another entire array of tasks to add to my to-do list. But we won't think about that just now and I will continue to treasure these days God has so abundantly blessed me with.
For you Moms with little children: I want this to be an encouragement to you. I remember life being a perpetual state of chaos at one point, but IT WILL GET BETTER. The challenge for you is to find contentment in the bedlam, fulfillment in the pandemonium.
God calls us to choose satisfaction and peace in whatever stage of life we are in or whatever circumstances He has laid out for us.
8 years ago
LORD when you are glorified
my heart is SATISFIED
to know
all praise and honor are Yours
and when all creation sing
to You the King of kings
we know
ALL praise and honor are Yours
I must confess, Margaret, I was rolling my eyes up until your next to last paragraph. Don't be offended--that was sinful attitude on my part, nothing you'd written wrong. You are right, it is our *responsibility* to seek contentment during whatever life stage we're in at the time.
For me, this time of the year is the HARDEST, because I feel cooped up, unable to get out or to send my children out for any length of time at all. And it seems sooooo long till......SPRING. I am ACHING to hang clothes out!!!
I know it will get better with time. And thanks for the reminder. Right now, though, it is my responsibility to enjoy RIGHT NOW; not just long for days to come....
Ouch. Thanks, Marg honey.
Thanks, I needed that!
I'm one of those in the perpetual state of chaos and most days it drives me bananas! Thanks for the encouragement to enjoy things as they are, especially the children.
I used to not like being cooped up in the winter, but now I kinda like it!
I totally agree with Kati and Laura - this time of year is very difficult for me; but you're so right - I need to learn to "find contentment in the bedlam, fulfillment in the pandemonium." It IS a daily challenge, but I don't just want to spend my days looking forward to different times. I want to enjoy my children, and my life, the way it is right now. What I'm wondering is: do I have to learn to enjoy the MESS?? If so, it's going to require a LOT more sanctification . . .
I am not a big fan of this time of year either. I seem to get everything done off my "to do list" during the warmer months for some reason.
I wish I could say the same about my house right now but WOW I am not sure it has ever been so messy. I just have no energy right now and Owen is at the stage where he pulls everything out and then moves to his next "project". Hopefully, I will get energy again soon and start feeling better so I can get things knocked off my to do list.
Thanks for the reminder to be content where I am in life. I have been doing lots of complaining recently :( and need an attitude check often.
sounds like your post struck a chord with a lot of us, margaret! as we were singing, "this is the day you've made so i will lift my voice and give you praise" yesterday at church, i looked outside and realized that i needed to sing that with conviction, believing wholeheartedly that it is true every single day, even - no, ESPECIALLY - the days i don't particularly like. i've already confessed my tendency to complain about winter weather, so you know where i'm coming from :p
i, too, like to fulfill my domestic responsibilities at home, but working full time limits me more than i'd like. busy teenagers aren't all that helpful either. i keep reminding myself that in a few short years they will all be out of the house and it just might be a little too neat and clean for my tastes!
Oh dear! I'm afraid I didn't express myself very clearly. I am definitely not saying that anyone's life should look like mine. It just happens to be where I'm at at the moment; and when I say moment, that's exactly what I mean.
Kati- Yikes! It was not my intention to put a stumbling block in your path. It's OK for you to not like this time of year. I totally remember being right where you're at; it's so hard to keep the kids occupied and content when they can't run outside and play! I understand, dear friend!
Charity- NO! You don't have to enjoy the mess. :)I still hate mess and it is probably the biggest thing that causes stress in my life!
Jodi- of course you don't have any energy aren't supposed to. :) I wish so bad we lived closer to you. Brooke would love to keep Owen sometimes.
Amen, Sara...when the LORD is glorified my heart is satisfied...
Laura- hang in there! :)
Dee- working outside the home makes a HUGE difference. It's OK!!
I have been where each of you young moms are. It's only been 10 short years ago that I had children who were 11, 9, 7, 4 & 1. Those 10 years make a LOT of difference.
What a joy to read your post and then see how it touched the lives of so many others.
We're all at different stages in our lives, but we can learn from one another. We're not meant to be carbon copies of each other. To me that is just part of the beauty of God's creative powers!
But even though we are not identical, nor at the same stage in our lives, we can encourage and be a blessing to each other.
Thanks to each of you for blessing me today!
love you!
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